Thursday, November 7, 2013

versaderm adhesive allergy fix

Versaderm is the name of the clear plastic we use to cover the numbing cream and keep the cream from rubbing off for an hour before infusions. Fiona is developing a reaction to the adhesive on the plastic. We've been trying to come up with something else that won't make her red and itchy. We may have found the solution! One of the nurses from Cincinnati suggested glad press and seal plastic wrap. It's been on for 10 minutes, so far it's working. It stuck to her skin without any additional tape. She doesn't really like it on her skin, and the cream has spread out a little more than with verasderm, but I think it will work. 

We are moving her infusion to Monday's next week. Someone suggested moving it a day each week, but our doctor said we can do her infusion today and again on Monday. 

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